Keto Low Carb Grocery Haul (Instacart)

Hello and welcome to my Keto/Low Carb Instacart grocery haul! This video was filmed at the beginning of the year but it is a good example of some of my keto food choices. Instacart is a great source of home grocery delivery. I really enjoy the convenience of this but keep in mind you do have to pay a service and deliver charge. This is a great alternative when you do not want to travel in bad weather or maybe just do not have the time to go to the store.

I have been doing a low carb “ketoish” style diet for about six months. I find that I feel better and have less joint pain when I reduce my sugar and starchy carb intake. I still need to work on my fitness and weight but the low carb lifestyle seems to work for me. Hope this video gives you some ideas of what you can eat on a low carb diet. What are some good food items you enjoy on the low carb lifestyle?

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