I am a lover of all things luxury and designer but my budget is not a fan. Louis Vuitton is one of my most favorite brands but the price tag will keep their handbags out of my reach for a while. I recently discovered Amazon has some amazing designer LV dupes! Although these are not an exact replica they are a good alternative for having an LV handbag or accessory for a fraction of the price. I did a very small shopping haul on Amazon and hope you will enjoy these little treasures!

Louis Vuitton Mini Palm Springs Backpack- $28.99
Mini trendy backpack with PU durable leather and smooth zipper. Easy and portable handbag with the look of a top luxury designer. I love this backpack, big opening and plenty of room inside. Adjustable straps make this a fun summertime bag.

Louis Vuitton Credit Card Holder and Key Case Dupe – $13.99
This is an amazing deal, two for the price of one! You get the key holder and the credit card holder for $14 dollars! I love this combo and it is so much easier to carry my keys and they stay organized in the pouch key case The credit card holder is great for all of your essentials like your id and main credit cards. It does hold up to 26 cards. Both are made of the same durable PU leather. This dynamic duo looks like the real deal!

Louis Vuitton Cosmetic Bags (4 pack)- $16.79
This is an amazing deal, you get 4 bags in various sizes for $16! I love the shell shape of this bag with easy to zip closures. These variety pack is great for multiple travel or everyday uses. You can store makeup, computer accessories or as your travel cosmetic bag! I have so many different uses for these bags. They are made with the same durable PU leather and are great quality. Luxury for less! You cannot go wrong with these bags.