The Last Mrs. Parrish By Liv Constantine- A Book Review

We have all been there jealous and envious of others. There always seems to be that perfect girl or golden couple who have it all. We look at them and think to ourselves, why can’t I have what they have? Yes, we have all had those moments of self loathing, feeling less than others and coveting material possessions and lifestyles of the rich and famous. Some people always seem to have it made while we struggle with our simple lives. Ok, maybe not to that extreme lol but we can relate to the main character Amber Patterson and how she wants to live a better life than her own.

This was an excellent book, very compelling and a fast read. I really enjoyed the richness of the characters and how the plot slowly unfolded. You get the chance to see things from different perspectives and the end is mind blowing! Learn more about the story line below.

The Last Mrs. Parrish Synopsis:

The story is about a girl named Amber Patterson the typical plain Jane from the wrong side of the tracks. She is very jealous and envious of socialite Daphne Parrish. The IT, girl who seems to have it all looks, money, friends and the perfect marriage. To the unknowing eye it looks like she takes her lavish life for granted.

Amber decides enough is enough, she lays out a carefully crafted plan to get close to Daphne. She wants Jackson, Daphne’s husband and Daphne’s life for herself but will Amber’s past come back and bite her in the but? Will her plans fall apart before she lands her prize?

This book is great, goes along with the “looks can be deceiving” and “be careful what you wish for” type of story line. I was definitely intrigued by this book and how the story was told by both women’s perspective. I highly recommend this book, keeps you guessing what the outcome will be and the twist at the end is great!

About the Authors:

Liv Constantine is the pen name of USA Today and WSJ bestselling authors and sisters Lynne Constantine and Valerie Constantine. Separated by three states, they spend hours plotting via Face Time and burning up each other’s emails. They attribute their ability to concoct dark storylines to the hours they spent listening to tales handed down by their Greek grandmother. The Last Mrs. Parrish, a national bestseller, is their debut thriller. Visit their website at

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